
Bonjour, this is CINDY MAURA's blog. a mid insane girl, going on 17, like shopping a lot, obsessed on being perfect, look after alexa chung and miranda kerr




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Interests: tumblr-ing, clothing, outfit, photography, hollywood, books, crafting, physics, math, and also biology

Musics: rihanna's, ne yo's, chris brown's, kinda black

Books: Harry Potter, Memoirs of a Geisha (amazing), Ayu Utami's, Clara Ng's

Loves: singing, shopping, doing crafts

must visit link

bizarre triangle natasya once melinda wardiman highfashiongirl loves you djenar maesa ayu stella lowis


  1. September 2009
  1. October 2009
  1. November 2009
  1. December 2009
  1. February 2010
  1. July 2010
  1. August 2010


Layout: Yeling
Resources: I II III IV

;) i'm a dentist, i'm newly born


call me Doc. it goes so right when you say it, fellas.

whatever comes to you, you have to face it, just face it. and u'll go through it.


august and all the tears of happiness :)


here i am, once again, i'm standing with my pride on my hat.
i am now, officially, gratefully, thankfully, a college student. ehehheh.

universe, i'm now head over heels in love with my guys: edith, rena, cath, beatrice, day :DD they're all newbies and labil hahahah.

from twitter: @cindymaura: i hate roti tawar sari roti!! but it goes better with ceres xD RT @catherineintan: life without friends is like a bread without jam. :)


heads up, heads up, c'mon cindy!

i need a refreshment, a solace, a human being; a YOU, if u are a thing.

am messing around with all the tears and fake smiles, smothering yawns, waiting till u can, eventually, see me not as a girl-next-door.
well well, just bide your time. i'll be waiting.

"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you will never walk alone.
People even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
- Audrey Hepburn"

rubbish and whatsoever


everytime i look at my page, i feel ashamed of what i've done, what i've told the world about, what i've thought and shared. life flashes and am worry about the future, the past, the moment i stand. such a goofy feelings and it started - becoming abnormal.
LOVE is in the air but even i couldnt grab it for my own satisfaction. i only think bout his good, and i have nothing for myself.

now am wondering bout 'vacuum' from this hearty cyberworld, get to know myself better without give any shit of what people may say.
(facebook, twitter, tumblr give me a headache and somehow i was in addiction D: )

from now on, UI and UN is my focus #1!!

see y'all in......., perhaps, the next 3 months

hollygolly still be vocal!! go go girls!
natasya nugroho, happy bday! i heart u.
the mind is everything, what we think we become



i crave for his love. indeed.
dunno why i am so stupid.

gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love
albert einstein


long time no post..


heheh it's been a longlong time not seeing my own blog. many stuffs has to be done. schools, courses, universities, and also my love life.. OMG, even i didn't have my november wishlist, and today's dec 17th but nothing for my december list too! :(

in december, the parties were so chill!
but since i'm the lazybones, this is the HOTlink to find my post for bizarre triangle!

oh ya, need to tell you, hehehe, i've submitted two photos for Telkomsel-Gogirl Blackberry Competition on the late September. and i posted it twice since i made a mistake for putting a wrong form into my post! oh!!

my wishlist will be so naive this month;

-winning the BB competition!
-be relax and full of excitement for the whole stop-studying-days
-supplant the old and mossy 6 mpx camera with the brand new one. (next wednesday i'll catch up a public transportation to do so. ough for the sake of my glorious holi-days)
-psst i'm seeing a guy :)), and hoping we'll be closer during this holiday.
-everything should be easier and greater than before.
-errr, wish i cud get the Gossip Girl season three hehhehe ASAP. also beverly hills 90210, if it's possible. CW tv is so chill hehhehe. >.<
-my speedy invoice maynot be too overwhelming! geez..

i say, inspriration comes easily when solitude comes suddenly

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i kissed a girl, and i like it!


i was kissed by a girl on my last bday,

lalu, tak lama sesudahnya, i kissed the girl in reply!


i kissed a girl and i like it - katy perry

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